Thursday, 23 February 2017

For All our Relations at Standing Rock...

2 minute read

To all our relations at Standing Rock

This blog is written by Sally Pullinger (Medium Of Chung Fu) 2017

On this day when the eviction order has been given for All our Relations at Standing Rock, on this day when 'illegal' 'immigrants'  are being hounded out of the United States of America, on this day when the fires of war are still fiercely burning in many places in the world, on this day when innocent women, men and children are suffering endless injustice ...........

I call.......

I call to the Solar Logos, to the Source Energy pouring from the Centre of Creation, I call to the Light of The Great Spirit, of the Creator and Creatress of All that Is, I call to the Deep Source Energy within each and every one of us, to pour love, courage and compassion into the hearts and minds of leaders of nations everywhere, that they may stem the tides of madness and negativity sweeping across the Earth......

 And as these atrocities bring terrible endings, may we be empowered to create wondrous new beginnings amongst the dying ashes of this destruction and devastation, may we daily rise again and again with unstoppable positivity and hope and the certainty that goodness and kindness will prevail, are prevailing, that deep down our human race knows love, that we have come here to experience love, to bring love, to birth love in a myriad of forms. 

Perhaps it had to get this bad before absolutely everyone 'gets it' .... no more complacency ...... we are no longer the ones we have been waiting for, we have arrived, we are now the ones who are here, we are the ones who are birthing the new understanding ....... no more waiting...... 

We are a great wave of humanity carrying the energy of the Solar Logos, the Creation Power pouring through from the Cosmic Central Sun. 

We can see, we know how we must be, we hear the Voice of Mother Earth, we hear the Voice of Goddess and God speaking to us through Nature and the Elements, as well as through Angels and Archangels. 

We are a Great Global Tribe of many colours, races and religions, but we are One Tribe unified by One Purpose - The Transformation of the way humans live upon the Earth.

It is wonderful that we are from every possible nation, speaking every language and dialect, and living here there and everywhere ....... 

Chung Fu brings us endless encouragement and upliftment  as he explains what is happening in the Worlds of Light.  

Chung Fu tells us that at this time the old forms are dying, in politics, economics, society ...... and new forms are being born amongst the debris of what is falling down.

It is a very exciting time to be alive in a human body on the earth ...... 

....... have a listen to the healing transmissions of Ascended Master, Metaphysical Teacher and Spirit Guide Chung Fu ...... 

He is one of many ascended and angelic beings coming forward to help us in these demanding times, and he brings us a message of hope and upliftment, love and positivity for change and transformation inside and out, in the beauty way, with the greatest of ease ........

Blessings and Peace
Sally Pullinger 

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