Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Higher Self Practice 
Ascended Being and Metaphysical Teacher Chung Fu

Blessings and Peace

May the Living Spirit that is within all things come forward and illuminate your path, enabling your Higher Self to project the very best into the outcome just ahead of you, bringing joy, love, harmony, peace and deep understanding that is beyond the mind.

And so .... you have opened your centres and protected yourself, and are ready to go forward into your world. As you go out at this time, you have within you an idea of the perfect outcome of that which is for the highest good of all, of that which expresses the beauty, the love and the truth that is within the heart of you. Within you is a vision of perfection, of how you see the next few hours, the next period of time, the next venture within your life, the next communication and enactment, transpiring.

How do you see it?  What is the very best that can happen?  Feel yourself breathing, maintaining the openness of your centres, breathing in the love from deep within the Earth, the Life Force, the Chi.  Feel your heart connecting with the human situation, with the life situation you are about to enter.

Feel how your Soul is connecting with the Souls of all involved and calling for the highest good, for truth, beauty and love to come forward through each and every one, and see especially yourself full of the energy of your Higher Self, of the intention for the very best to happen.

If you know there is a negative emotion, or a negative emotional possibility within the situation.  Feel yourself looking in, going deep with your laser sight spiritually, to the core of any wounding that is causing the negativity.  Feel the compassion within your heart, feel the love go forward to meet that place of wounding.  Feel the love pour out of your heart, pour down into dark places where you can sense a hunger for Loving Presence, in one or several of the people you might be going to meet, or in yourself in relation to one or several of those who you will meet.

Feel your compassion equally applied to yourself to any dark spaces of fear or apprehension within yourself as you breathe, feel yourself opening places of constriction or fear and allowing the light to pour in from your Crown Centre, from the Source of Light, pouring in, feeding places of hunger or fear within you with love and light.  Feel yourself repeating quietly, "I love you".  It is almost impersonal, yet deeply personal.  It is to a part of you or a part of another who is feeling isolated, alone or afraid of dying, or of being further attacked.  Feel your love reaching out.

Feel yourself calling to the Divine Presence to infuse every cell, every atom, with love, with compassion and kindness, with energetic nourishment and care.  In your minds eye, see how there is a small place inside every wounded place.  Whether that place is within you or within another, just make that effort with your heart and embrace it in your mind's eye, just as you would pick up a wounded animal or child,  take that small wounded aspect in your arms whether it is yours or another's, and just pour love into it, saying "I love you, I care for you, I am sorry that you are hurting, I hold you, I take care of you".

Feel how every part of you naturally absorbs this energy of love and know that deep within the World of Light the Souls of those with whom you might be having some kind of difficulty are receiving this energy from the Source, and it is helping the situation all the way towards complete transformation.

Now, in your minds eye visualise the very best outcome.  If there has been sadness or loss, feel the return of joy and presence  Feel the smiling loving embrace of reunion, within yourself with yourself, within another with themselves, or between two beings or more, who have become alienated or separated through pain and fear.  Feel the light shining through you and feel yourself beaming with love and positivity that is radiating all around you, healing the situation with the greatest of ease.

Feel yourself walking forward upon the road ahead, situations resolving themselves, feeling a flexibility, feeling an openness, allowing the flow, allowing the healing, receiving the love, feeling the Spirit Beings all around you and feeling yourself walking with your head held high knowing that deep within you you are made with Love and Light, Love that has become Light, Light that is ever becoming Form, the Forms of Love. Feel yourself going right through your day, right through this period of time where this enactment is taking place, and see yourself coming through successful and smiling with the result you have intended, and having created upon the way a lot of beauty peace and love, having worked with truth, with integrity and with kindness.

Become aware of the Ancestors who are extremely interested in this work, and become equally aware that you can send that Energy into your ancestral bloodlines to heal and help them too.

We give thanks for the protection that is all around, for the love and blessings, peace and wisdom, inspiration, healing and compassion of the all-in-one Divine Presence guiding your path within your life.

The solar beings have come in. This is for a purpose, and of course, there is no distance in the worlds of light. I'd like you to consider that fact as I open the pathways of light for you, to journey to the world that is the world of the Central Sun. Time doesn't matter, distance doesn't matter. 

Breathe deep and relax.

You are already expanded and open and you remember, in the beautiful Temple of Light how you put your visions and how they became 3D, those visions that came from your Higher Self how they inspired you, come back to them, feel them. Your creations shining directly through you into your mind of light, the Solar Logos, the Ray form the Central Sun, the Pure Ray of Creation. It is in your hands, it's in your heart, it's in every cell of your body, deep in your root centre, in your hara, in your feet. Imagine small Suns in every cell...you are made of light... made of light....made of light.  Inside you the God-Goddess power resonates. Your human self stays at the Altar with your Vision, and your being of light easily, effortlessly, becomes one with all the beings here journeying with you, all who are questing, all who are supporting, moving along the Pathways of Light through Universes. All around you is the Cosmos, and your body of light is one with all around you, and there is this wonderful feeling of solidarity, of wholeness, as though all arms are linked as One great Body of Light, moving for the Purpose of the whole, for the Oneness the whole.

As you look down you see the Earth,  beyond your Temple of Light, down below, the Earth, and all the people, and you know you are connected to so many of these people. Groups here and there, families, communities, people you know, people you link to far and wide. But this Body of Light stays together in a great Purpose of wholeness. You can feel each other, you can feel the strength of each other, the light and the beauty of each other, committed, dedicated, rising...rising on pathways of light. And as you rise you feel and see other Beings coming to you, winged Beings, Beings of other dimensionality, Angelic Beings, Archangelic Beings, Beings of other colours, of other shapes, Beings from other dimensions all coming to join, coming to lift, coming to assist. you can feel the Love growing, growing, it is effortless, it is beautiful, it is easy, it is natural. It is who you are, growing, rising, luminous, supported, radiant, expanding, moving forward, being ever more surrounded in light. Feeling yourself becoming that light, knowing that you are gradually being absorbed into a vast World of Light, of extraordinary beauty, pure radiance.

Beings come seemingly to greet you, but they just invite you and call you and draw you in, all around you, visions of such beauty. There are scenes of nature, of mountains, of forests, of waterfalls, of oceans. There are beauteous structures, crystalline cathedrals, as though all of Creation you can see, whatever you wish you can see here.  Your mind asks questions... What is this place? The light is so bright, overpowering your ability to think. Just seeing the light and hearing, and asking from inside your heart, the Vast Presence Divine surrounding you, penetrating you.

In front of you a great mirror. You look and you see. When you are ready you know you must walk through the mirror... you walk through the mirror.


Nectar pours forth...bathing...drinking...receiving...ecstasy and peace...

Yet from here you can see the whole World of Earth, you can look down and see from this place of total peace and oneness, all of the creation that is Earth.


You can feel the Love that connects from here to Earth. You can hear the cries calling, calling from Earth into the heart of the Central Sun. You feel yourself breathing up all those cries, all those prayers, like the ones you made, all those visions of all the billions of souls upon the Earth...breathing them up into this Space of the Heart Divine. Breathing them out into the light, filling up with the Ecstasy and the Peace, the Nectar of Pure Love. Receiving the Blessings that you will take to each and every one upon the Earth. Feeling inside you...I am the Light that never dies...I am the eternally flowing Love pouring into all hearts and minds...

Feeling yourself filling up.

I am the Light of creation pouring into all dimensions. Feel it inside you this light, absorb it, drink it. Look once again, down, and you will see other Worlds between you and the Earth, Astral worlds, where equally souls are calling for the light, where also there is suffering, yet emotional and mental.


And as you breathe feel how you are connected to many beings in these Astral planes that are also receiving now, as soon as you fill up, they receive, for they are already in the Worlds of pure Light. As you look around you you see all the Ascended Beings, Beings of other dimensions, here, with you. Notice them, look round at them. In your mind's eye acknowledge and bless them as they acknowledge and bless you. Feel your oneness with all the Beings who have accompanied you here, those who have gathered in this circle, and all their Guides, helpers, all the Enlightened Ones, all the Ascended Beings.  You are a great company. In this fountain of Eternal Love, light, peace, youth, beauty, truth, joy.. feel yourself saturated and full to the brim...

I am the Living Spirit emanating from the source of all life, all light and all love.

Feel yourself getting ready to take all this beauty, light and love back to your Temple of Light. Feeling the vast Golden Presence, gathering, coming back from your journey, coming back into that Oneness, feeling the strength and the power of each other. Feel how these are your friends now, on the same journey as you with the same understanding, support for each other, same Purpose. Carriers of light, love, power, in every cell illuminated as you start to glide on pathways of light, seeing the Earth, and seeing all around you the Cosmos, knowing that you are returning with all that you have gained...gliding down towards the Earth... as you see you are getting close, coming through the Astral Planes, many Spirit Beings still close to the Earth, Beings to whom you sent light, down into that deep inner space... coming back down towards the physical Earth, feeling the atmosphere, down towards where your body is in your dwelling, your residence, down, still feeling big and expanded.. coming towards the Temple of Light before you come to the physical, but knowing where your physical body is.

Breathing... sitting down in your circle, in your Temple of Light. In your mind's eye take hold of your Vision which is now illuminated, take it back all illuminated, all full of the juice of the light of manifestation, bring it back into your heart, bring it back inside you to bring back with you to your life. Feel it coming right inside you, your Vision, your Plan. That which you believe in in the heart of your child, that which you know is possible for you life. Your greatest, highest, strongest imagined Vision that will make you the most happy, the most prosperous, the most abundantly loved and nurtured, that gives you the most opportunity to share your love and light with the world and with each other. As you bring your Vision back in your heart, feel it grow roots down through your being, feel it fill up your whole body. As you come back to your place, to your psychical body, feel it, feel your body, feel your arms," my beautiful body, my instrument of manifestation, this body through whom I shall walk my Vision, my Creation. This body through whom I shall share my love, my heart, my compassion, my healing power, my light". Feel your love for your Being, your creation, and your love for all the potential of your Vision.

Breathing deep...

Inside you feel this affirmation -

I am the Living Incarnation of my Higher Self who is the Living Manifestation of the Light of the Divine Source.

I walk my Being into this world, I ground my Being onto this Earth, I arrive with all of me, I bring all of me to shine here, on Earth, and I am grateful for all that I receive. I am willing to transform all that is shown to me and that needs to be dissolved or cleared to make way for the full presence of my Higher Self,  that I may manifest my Soul's Purpose, here upon the Earth.

And so it is

Blessings and Peace.

For the full Tele seminar transmission Go Here ✨